Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Sounds and Music


Title Version Author
"Conquest of Paradise" Duel Music W4rbird
'Pirates of the Caribbean' duel music W4rbird
AC Cloud & Sephiroth Sounds Razzial
All in one saber sounds Aryyn
Alternate Link Sounds Cloudstrife56
Anakin vs Obiwan Duel Music Broken-Hope
Announcer Voice Replacement - Multilingual Admin Amidala
Anthem For Saving The Galaxy Shawn Za'an II
Baten Kaitos Duel Music OmegaSigma
Battle of Heros Duel Music Broken-Hope
Battle of Heros Duel Music (1.1) 1.1 darth_grievous1
Battle of the Heroes Duel Music Nemesis0601
Better Ragnos Sounds Jestah
Blitzkrieg Duel Music Misanthropic Revan
Cantina Music Replacement java25701
Clone Wars Saber Sounds Broken-Hope
Clone Wars Saber Sounds V2 broken_hope
CloneWars Mod - Sounds and Effects Third
Counter Strike Siege Sounds Kaito_Kenshin
Darth Revan vs. Darth Malak Duel Music lukeskywalker456
Deeper Jaden-Male Voice Grant Hammerhoof
Drk Emblem's Music Pack PART 1 Drk_emblem
Duel Like a Pirate -=AFL=-Turambar
Duel of the Fates Dueling Music Tolga Cakir
Duel With The Steel Beast Shawn Za'an II
E3M8 Duel Music Ryojin
EP 2 Saber Sounds Zao
EPII Coruscant Chase Duel Music Third
Episode 1 Force Sounds =Y=Kirov
Evanescence Duel Music VocHarbor
Excalibur Duel Music for JK2 and JKA {THC}ShovelHead
Expert's Saber Sounds Expert
Extra Dooku Sounds Kurt Libengood
Fart-ghri Rancore
Father and Son (Duel Music) DarthIain
FF6 - DancingMad Duel: Final Part ZidZabre
FF7- Advent Children Duel Music Pack SorensBlade
FF8 - Boss Battle Remix Duel Kerim Zwiers
FFVII Advent Children Duel Music Saint Hißiki
FFVII Duel Remix Pendullum
FFVIII -The Man with the Machine Gun ZidZabre
Final Fantasy Ultima Duel Music Pack Szico VII
Final Fantasy Ultima Duel Music Pack II Szico VII
Final Fantasy VI Duel Music Pack Passsing Sorrow
Final Fantasy VII: One Winged Angel Full Symphony Madcatmach2
Final Fantasy X: Otherworld Duel Music Genesis Aldrahn
Force Grip - Force Choke Sound Effects starforge1
Half-Life Sounds Fenris
Halo 2 Duel Music RinkXing
HS Kenobi Sound Fix (v1.0) v1.0 Razzial
IG-88 Sounds Ownedbacon
Imperial March Duel Music (Leviathan Remix) SithLord_Jaden
Imperial March Duel Music (Rage Remix) SithLord_Jaden
Improved Saber Sounds Frequency Mod W4rbird
JA Default Model Tauntpak (1.5) 1.5 MrChips
Jaden Sounds & NPC Jedi_HM2
Jaden Sounds & NPC (v2) v2 Jedi_HM2
Jaden Taunts Razzial
Jaden Taunts (v2) v2 Razzial
Jedi Knight 1 Sound Mod {Nightm@re}
JK2 MP Character Sound Restorer (1.1) 1.1 TK-962
JK3 Weapon Sound Mod Tim 'Spidey' Wheeler
JO Reborn sounds for JA classic Reborns D4RK-LQRD-NEM3SYS
Kel Dor & Rodian Male Sound Fix (2.0) 2.0 Magsul
Kel Dor & Rodian Male Sound Fix (MP) (1.0) 1.0 Magsul
Killzone Duel Music Encor3
Kingdom Hearts II Sora Sounds Cloudstrife56
La Marseillaise Duel Music Chirac
LotR Duel Music (YV)Paladin of Light(C-T)
Luke vs. Vader Duel Music Khyron Jinn
M.C. Hammer Duel Music Chuudar
M.C.Hammer taunt mod EVAN_123
Main Menu Title Music (Angus Dei) W4rbird
Matrix Duel Music [DJA]Nexus Dacre
Matrix Revolution Duel Music =FSW=Element
Matrix Soundtrack DUEL MUSIC Dr.Unknown
Matrix Voiceover (1.0) 1.0 Skypoper
Melee Mod Music Only Slice, Dice & Mince
Meryl Silverburgh Sounds (Metal Gear Solid) Shao
Metal Gear Solid Duel Music JediMaster SW
Mirael's Dueling Music Mod {NJO}Mirael D'Kana{JS}
MJC Music Mod MaceCrusherMadunusus
Morgan Sounds from JK2 MorganiC
Mortal Kombat Deception Music Mod Yami_Ryou
Mortal Kombat Duel Music Dr.Unknown
Movie Sounds (1.0) 1.0 LordVader_88
MP JK2 Voice For JKA Chris Sharpe
Music Star Wars Khang Le
My future sounds Ultric Sandov
NAB622 Sounds Mod Parabolic Minds
Neodämmerung Duel Music lukeskywalker456
Neodämmerung Duel Music (v2) v2 lukeskywalker456
New Flechette Sounds Raarventje
New Force Sounds (1.0) 1.0 Maddy_Modman
New Grievous Sounds Kurt Libengood
New Jaden Taunts LisaNicole
New Kyle Sounds DarkLinkSkywalker
New Saber Sounds Broken-Hope
New Weapon Sounds - Battlefield 2142 java25701
NOT Theme Song Shanodin
OMF: BG Duel Music Majin_Vegeta
One Winged Angel - Duel Music Sin Harvest
Original JK2 Character Sounds for JKA [-S-] ProxXect
Original Saber Sounds Pack Ike
Padme Amidala Sounds Shao
Pirates of the Caribbean Duel Music TheGreenSaber
Punk Rock Duel Music TheGreenSaber
PurePwnage soundpack -FsA- Davor
PZ - Scherzo For Lightsabre And Orchestra Shawn Za'an II
Qui-gon's Noble End Duel Music Vaial-dar Jinn
Republic Commando Duel Music Game_freak444
Republic Commando Duel Music 2 Game_freak444
Rocky Duel Music ( Eye Of The Tiger ) Bendek
Sephiroth duel music(FF7) Despair
Seymour Battle Music BlackDakkon
Shevek's JK3 Kel Dor Vocal Enhancement Set Shevek
Shredi Academy (v1) v1 DarkNinja
Sith Ghoul Update Maranghello
SMR-TI's JK3 Vocal Enhancement Set Wes Janson of SMR-TI
Snargies Xtra-Crisp Saber Sounds Snargifer
Some Guy's Sound Mod Some Guy
Sora Hikari (Kingdom Hearts) Sounds Shao
Sound Change (weapons/item/spawn) Unknown / Anonymous
Sound Fix for PlasmaSkins Plasmacoolant
Sounds for Advent Children - Cloud Shao
Sounds for Barret Namuriss
South Park Duel Music Unknown / Anonymous
SP MP Sounds ]TSs[HavoK]JM[
Star Wars Saga Saber Sounds Broken-Hope
Star Wars Techno Duel Music Blue Ninja
Storm Center Duel Music Jagawaga
Super Mario 64 Duel Music Nictus
Tekken Jin Gunn Dakkar
The 'Ultimate' Duel Music Pack mYst
The Force Unleashed Duel Music Gamma097
The Legend of MAX Duel Music Drk_emblem
Third's Chat Sound Third
Thriller Shotgun Sounds *VaS*Dave/Neo
Titanic Song Death Music Skypoper
TLA Music Mod MaceCrusherMadunusus
TMNT Duel Music StarWarsKartikay
TP Link Sounds Cloudstrife56
Trilogy Sabers Episode 5 WelshFromUK
Troopers Voices Mod (1.0) 1.0 Kahn D'halaine
True Rodian Voice ***Drunk Butcher***
Twinmold Sounds Twinmold
Ultimate duel music Korlak
Vocal Sabers Mod Leofus
Voyager Sounds Mod [-S-] Perseus
Wilhelm Scream {DX}LordSlapnutz
Wooklyn's Awesome Saber Sounds Mod Wooklyn Feetz
X-Men Duel Music StarWarsKartikay
Xhuzan Tzu's Saber Sound Modification Xhuzan Tzu
Yuna Duel Music Despair
zzZound Fix for JK2 Models Azmo